Maverick Carter Admits to Illegal Sports Betting

Maverick Carter's Betting Confession

In a surprising revelation, Maverick Carter, known for his business acumen and close ties to NBA superstar LeBron James, has admitted to engaging in illegal sports betting on NBA games. This confession emerged during a broader investigation into the activities of bookmaker Wayne Nix, who has since pleaded guilty to charges of operating an illegal gambling enterprise and filing false tax returns. Carter's involvement was detailed as part of this probe, with information indicating that he placed approximately 20 bets on football and basketball games over the span of a year. These wagers were not trivial, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 each, and there is evidence to suggest that Carter could have placed bets as high as $25,000 on NBA games.

The Investigation and Its Findings

The investigation, which shed light on the gambling operations run by Nix, brought to the forefront the connections between illegal betting and figures associated with professional sports. It was uncovered that Carter met Nix around 2017 or 2018 through mutual acquaintances and was aware of Nix's involvement in gambling. Despite this knowledge, Carter engaged with Nix's operation, accruing debts from poker and football betting. Communication records show that Carter utilized text messages and a website to place bets with Nix, with winnings being transferred via wire transfers and cash. In a move to distance his betting activities from his professional relationships, Carter has stated that his actions had "nothing to do" with LeBron James, and he does not recall placing any bets on the Los Angeles Lakers, the team where James plays.

Legal Implications and Sports Betting Landscape

It is noteworthy that Carter is not currently the target of a criminal investigation. He cooperated fully when interviewed by federal law enforcement and has not been charged or contacted again regarding the matter. This distinction is significant given the evolving landscape of sports betting in the United States. At the time of Carter's interview in 2021, before sports betting became widely legalized across 38 states and the District of Columbia, the legal environment surrounding such activities was more restrictive. The current regulations prohibit NBA players and agents from betting on games. However, there is no such restriction for business managers like Carter, which raises questions about potential gaps in the regulatory framework intended to protect the integrity of sports.

Other Figures Involved

Carter is not alone in his connection to Nix's gambling ring. Former NBA player Scottie Pippen also admitted to placing bets through Nix's operation. More seriously implicated is former MLB player Yasiel Puig, who has been charged with making false statements to federal authorities about his involvement with the gambling ring. Puig's circumstances during his interview with federal authorities have come under scrutiny, as it was reported that he felt rushed and unprepared, without the presence of criminal counsel or an interpreter. His trial is set for January.

Media Coverage and Statements

Gus Garcia-Roberts, a reporter covering the case, provided a summary of Carter's betting activities based on the investigation records. Additionally, an indictment referenced communications from November 2019, in which Edon Kagasoff, Nix's partner, informed a business manager for a professional basketball player—presumed to be Carter—about the possibility of increasing his bets on NBA games. A formal statement clarified the timeline and extent of Carter's involvement, emphasizing that after his single interview with federal law enforcement in 2021, there were no further developments or charges, underscoring his cooperation and the conclusion of his involvement in the investigation.


The unfolding story of Maverick Carter's illegal betting sheds light on the complexities and challenges that arise when the worlds of professional sports and gambling intersect. While Carter's admissions and the subsequent findings of the investigation have not led to criminal charges against him, they highlight the ongoing conversation about the need for stringent regulations to maintain the integrity of sports amidst the growing legalization and popularity of sports betting in the United States.